firefish data logo set against a backdrop of people in a lightroom exhibition representing humans and datapoints

Hello, Firefish Data (fka The Numbers Lab)

January 5, 2024

We would like to let you know that our quantitative and data analytics business, the numbers lab, has rebranded as Firefish Data. Why, you ask?

Well, building on its decade-long excellence in primary quantitative research for clients around the world from our offices in London and New York, we felt it was time to better reflect not only Firefish’s evolution as a Group of businesses but also Firefish Data’s own, into one that is delivering fully connected, integrated and agile human insights consulting, driven by AI, connected data and new technologies.


Majbritt Rijs, Global MD of Firefish Data, says:

“When we launched the numbers lab 13 years ago, our vision was to create a quantitative complement to the brilliance of Firefish’s heritage in strategy and qualitative exploration. That resulted in a powerful business, anchored in strategic work from segmentations, propositions & pricing through to creative testing and tracking offerings that delivered scientific rigour married with powerful and inspiring storytelling.

As we move away from a ‘survey-first’ mindset to being experts in all types of data – both structured and unstructured, primary and secondary – with a focus on connecting disparate data sets through analytical power and strategic commerciality, the rebrand is now a better reflection of what we do and how we connect that with the rest of our business to give our clients around the world game-changing insight”.


Jem Fawcus, Firefish Group CEO adds:

“This rebrand not only reflects the journey Majbritt has led her teams on over this past decade, it also underlines the Firefish Group’s integrated approach to delivering Competitive Edge from insight mined at the intersection of humans, culture and data”.


Some important things we would like you all to know:
  • The new Firefish Data website will launch soon, so you can read more about the deeper analytics and data science work they are doing but you can read more about how we deliver integrated projects across our Centres of Excellence here.
  • Across the Group, we have new email addresses, so we ask that you add us to your Allow list and also update any saved Firefish/TNL email addresses you have
    • All team members can still be contacted on their, and email addresses while we continue this transition – and will be live for a good while to come to ensure no loss of service – but if you are reading this now, please do take a minute

And if you have a brief you would like to talk to Firefish Data about, then please do just send them an email. 

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